Clwyd West AM Darren Millar has teamed up with the Energy Saving Trust to promote Energy Saving Week (21-26th Oct 2013) and encourage householders in North Wales to save up to £250 a year by being energy efficient.
The five top energy saving behaviours householders are being encouraged to adopt include washing clothes at 30 degrees, taking a five minute shower, checking car tyre pressures regularly, turning down room thermostats by one degree and turning appliances off standby across Energy Saving Week.
As people in Wales face ever increasing energy bills, research from the Energy Saving Trust has found that over a third of Welsh households are worried about how the UK will generate enough energy in just five years’ time.
Darren said:
"We are all responsible for contributing to reducing Wales’ carbon footprint. In these economic times, the cash savings that go hand in hand with cutting energy use in households shows that there’s never been a more prudent time to commit to saving energy.
"I’d urge people across North Wales to adopt at least one energy saving behaviour this Energy Saving Week in a bid to reduce carbon emissions in their area and save energy and money."
Duncan McCombie, Director, Energy Saving Trust, Wales, added:
"Just a few small changes to day-to-day life can have a profound impact on the amount of energy being consumed and the carbon being produced as a nation.
"Energy saving works best when it doesn’t mean huge lifestyle changes. We are all suffering from increasingly hectic lifestyles, and this Energy Saving Week we’re really pushing the concept that a few small changes in your behaviour can make a real difference.
"For example, the average family in Wales could save between £50 and £90 a year just by remembering to turn things off standby."
For more energy saving tips and advice visit the Energy Saving Trust’s website, www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Wales
Picture Caption; Clwyd West AM Darren Millar who has teamed up with the Energy Saving Trust to promote Energy Saving Week (21-26th Oct 2013) and encourage householders in North Wales to save up to £250 a year by being energy efficient.