Shadow Health Minister Darren Millar has praised the new Cardiac Catheter Lab at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd after receiving a tour of the new facility this week.
Constructors Laing O’Rourke handed over the new second Cardiac Catheter Lab at Glan Clwyd Hospital to Betsi Cadwaladr Universiy Health Board last month.
The new build houses extra treatment rooms alongside the new laboratory which is sited on the former courtyard next to the current lab.
It will enable patients who need angiography and angioplasty to receive it locally, rather than travelling to Chester or Liverpool.
Darren said:
"This is an impressive new addition to the hospital which will make a huge difference to the care provided for cardiac patients.
"Instead of having to travel across the border to Chester or Liverpool for this service, North Wales patients now have it on their doorstep, which is fantastic.
"I very much enjoyed my visit to the lab and would like to thank all the wonderful staff who took time out of their busy schedules to show me around."
The new building is part of Ysbyty Glan Clwyd’s new state-of-the-art accident and emergency facility, which opened on June 5.
Picture Caption: Shadow Health Minister Darren Millar at Glan Clwyd Hospital this week with Peter Higson, Chair of Betsi Cadwaladr University health Board.