Clwyd West AM Darren Millar supported the Cystic Fibrosis Trust on 26 April ahead of their fundraising week from 29th April – 5th May.
Cystic Fibrosis is one of the UK’s most common inherited conditions, affecting over 9,000 babies, children and adults. It is a progressive disease with the average death for sufferers at 29 years old. But, people are living for longer due to advances in treatment.
The average lung capacity for an adult with Cystic Fibrosis is just 65.1% compared to 80% or more of someone without Cystic Fibrosis. Darren had his lung function tested at the Senedd event.
Darren Millar AM said:
"CF claims two young lives and week. Having my lung function tested has shown me how much more effort people with CF have to make just to take a breath.
"I am delighted to support the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. I hope as many people as possible take part in an event during CF Week to help to raise awareness and fundraise for research and support for CF".
More information about Cystic Fibrosis Week, which runs from 29 April to 5 May and events going on can be found at www.cfweek.org.uk
Photos - Stephen Lewis http://www.stephenlewisphotography.com/ 07799484888.